Friday, April 17, 2009

IMPORTANT updates on kayaking courses

To all ODACers:

J1s going for 1* course:
Please fill up the form given to you during today's pt session and pass it to your fellow J1 ODACer, Ivan, LATEST BY WEDNESDAY(22/04/09). At the same time, hand the $15 to him as well. Please adhere to all instructions given strictly!!

J2s going for 1* course:
Please fill up the form and pass it back to Sheryl LATEST BY WEDNESDAY(22/04/09) together with the $15.

****As for enquiries about the last portion of the indemnity form regarding the need to see the doctors if you have any medical problems/allergies, it is possible to just get your parents to acknowledge that they are aware of your condition and sign beside that segment of the form. This is provided that your parents feel that you are able to attend the course.
If unsure whether you should attend the course with your condition, please seek doctor's advice.

Some details on the course:
Date: 25th and 26th April 2009
Venue: SCF Kallang Water Sports Centre
10 Stadium Lane (397774)
Time: 9am-4pm
Dresscoat: confortable clothing, shorts, shoes/sandals(must have back-strap), water bottles, strap for spectacles (if necessary)


ODACers with 1* certs (J1s and J2s):
There will not be a refresher course so if you are want to kayak on the 25th or 26th of April, you can rent a kayak from the same venue of the 1* kayaking course which is scf kallang water sports centre. It will cost you about $20 to rent a kayak for 2 hours. Please bring along your 1*cert to verify that you are certified to use the recreational boat.

Those who are interested in renting the boats, please inform Sheryl latest by Wednesday so that the boats can be reserved for you.

Please look out for more details closer to the date of the course.....

(taskforce of kayaking)

Last updated: 19/04/09