there're some changes/reminders to take note of so please read carefully!
1. reduction in number of groups: we've sort of reshuffled the group facils. here is the new and updated groupings.
Group 1: Debbie, Sheryl, Dutt.
Group 2: Ariel, Luiza, Hiren.
Group 3: Haresh, Wenrong, Sijia, Zixi.
Group 4: Leonard, Tiffany, Dawn, Jason.
for the order of stations:
at Bishan Park, Group 1 and 2 will go to germaine's station then jingjie's station.
at Lower Pierce, Group 3 and 4 will go to athalie's station then amanda's station.
and yeah, Group 1 and 2 will NOT play the games at Lower Pierce
while Group 3 and 4 will NOT play the games at Bishan Park.
no changes with regards to station masters.
2. group facils, please remind your group about the photo candid game.
take 5 shots with the theme, Mother Nature (J1s must be in it too)
the judge is Joey but don't tell them directly its her, give them hints and make them guess.
its up to you if you want to bring your camera (:
just in case, here's the packlist: sufficient water, poncho, journal, wear trackshoes, carry backpack.
sms/call/email me if you have any questions.
thanks everyone!
let's give the J1s a memorable orientation :D
cheers, DEBORAH!
16 Feb '09.